Too Awesome for Words

There is no way to put into words what an immensely wonderful experience our recently-concluded Type+writer course has been. Funny how a writing course can leave one speechless… but that is exactly how I’ve been for a good part of the course. Speechless with awe and admiration and amazement at the incredible response from each one who took the Type+Writer ride with Jessica and me!

Every single Spragmate who took the course was incredibly terrific. Our class gallery is filled with precious layouts that tug at the heart, make you laugh, make you smile, make you weep. These are not just photos and words on pages, they’re hearts and souls laid bare on the pages. I am so honored to have been witness to this wonderful journey of heart and soul and photoshopping fingers!

I had the most awesome two weeks of my life working with my dear friend Jessica. Just when you think that she’s so awesome and that she can’t get any better than best, she just ups and surprises you by being even more awesome than the minute before! Gotta say, this lady is one of my most favorite people on earth! What a total gift it was to be able to work hand in hand with her on this course. This is certainly an experience that has carved itself on my heart forever.

To all my darling Spraggirls/Spragguys who’ve left love on the forum and in my inbox: Jessica and I love you guys. We really do. You are just incredibly awesome.

HUGE hugs and squeezes to each of you!

And for those who missed the Type+Writer beta course, stay tuned… I hear it might be coming back early next year! šŸ˜‰

So now that the course is over (and happy me, I still have a couple of weeks to marvel at each and every layout in our gallery!), I am suffering from withdrawal symptoms… I’ve been getting too much sleep since last night! šŸ˜†

Triathlon Update

Just when I thought the Olympics had all but covered the momentum of our excitement, our triathlon photos finally came out in the newspapers last September 9th. Woohoo! Because of the limited space, we each got only one photo of ours published instead of the original bunch that we were told the newspaper originally planned to publish… but hey, who’s complainin’? šŸ˜€

Our triathlon photos, published! Woohoo!

Our triathlon photos, published! Woohoo!

And the first paragraph of the article was about us, too! Cool!

Triathlon Writeup

Triathlon Writeup

One of these days, I’ll probably resurrect my Flickr account and upload the triathlon photos I took… I think if I were a triathlete, I’d love to get my hands on any photographic evidence that my body is still a lean, mean machine, eh? šŸ˜†

(Can you tell I’ve got time on my hands? šŸ˜† )

I Want

I’m a firm believer in the saying, When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping. šŸ˜‰ (Shopping also keeps me awake and on my toes and totally inspired, so don’t ask me how much digi schtuff I bought in the last couple of weeks… ‘course I’d use any excuse to buy those yummies, right? hehe)

Bad habits are hard to break, so since I’ve been awake with not much to do these past couple of days, I’ve been surfing… Tsk, tsk. This is dangerous stuff, surfing. You see things that you never thought you needed, and suddenly you find yourself chanting (softly at first, then increasing in volume in tempo): I want, I want, I want!

Here’s my latest “I want”:

I want you, Bind-it-all 2.0!

I want you, Bind-it-all 2.0!

I’ve been resisting this for the longest time (and good thing, too, because they just came out with the 2.0 new improved version!). I have my beloved Cropadile, and I’ve been convincing myself that I really don’t need another gadget, since I can punch holes easily through most of the material (and more) that the Bind-It-All can… Sure, those wires are so cool, but surely there must be substitutes for those wires?

However. During one of our chats, I asked my dear friend and guru (and shoe-shopping enabler) Jes what the difference was between the Cropadile and the Bind-It-All (and yes, I kinda figured that the Cropadile is a glorified puncher and eyelet setter, but what a glory it has! šŸ˜† ) and she gave me the link to Zutter’s vid that shows the BIA at work. I must confess I was a bit distracted by the vid (hehehe) but I did feel the rumble of a “want, want, want” chant beginning inside… And of course, it didn’t help in the dissuasion department that Jes herself has a BIA and says it works in the most awesome way!

So. This is the latest gadget(object) of my affection. The only annoying thing is that, since I need to have it shipped it over so many miles, I need to predict what supplies I’ll be needing so that it all comes in one big bulk. (Yum, don’t you love FedEx?).

Sooooo I need some advice from you sweeties. Tell me, do you have a Bind-It-All? Do you love it? Do you find that you buy less scrapbook albums off the shelf and instead spend time indulging in your creative manual labor with this delish machine and the accompanying wires and chipboard covers? And the million-dollar question: what O-wire rings do you use most often? (I can’t decide which ones to get!)

End my misery (by telling me) or enable me (by telling me)… either way, I’d love to hear from you! (And when you do drop me a line, I’d be most grateful for your assistance in turning this I want, I want, I want into I have, I have, I have !

More later…

I’m off to work on some more freebs for you sweeties, so I’ll see you later with more news! Till then, have a happy, scrappy day! šŸ˜€

8 thoughts on “Too Awesome for Words

  1. OK, can I just say I want that PINK bind-it-all!!! I’ve had the order on my desk for a month now and just can’t part with the $75 + shipping. I keep hoping that it will hit the store and I can use a coupon!
    Also, I want to thank you for all you did in the recent T+W class. I really enjoyed it (well, most of it… the advise page was VERY difficult for me). I appreciate all you and Jes did to make this happen.
    Hugs, Joanie


  2. Loved the class even though I’m behind and haven’t finished it yet. I’m hoping to get everything finished and posted before the gallery closes.

    I kept hoping that since class was over that I would see something new on your porch swing. I’ve been checking daily. Yea!!!! I love new insights into the wonderful workings of your brain.

    So yeah, I kept waiting for the link to the BIA site … still waiting! lol I would love to see the video of it in action. I’ve been looking for an excuse to create an “I want” in my life!!!

    I’ve got another wedding in 2-1/2 weeks … number 7 …. so life is crazy but life is good.

    Love ya bunches and missing ya TONS!!!!



  3. HEy i think i have one of those somewhere in my PILES!

    loved the class…sorry i haven’t posted LOs … i cried through the whole 2 weeks and i haven’t had the guts to post. lots of very personal stuff here you know what i mean?

    miss you.


  4. LivE,

    I loved your type+write course by the way…

    I have to tell you that I totally wanted this bind it all forever and a day ago. So, I got this coupon and went for it. yes! I have it! It’s so very nice. The only problem is that I have….is those owires. I did not purchase any of them.

    So, I found some on ebay this afternoon and purchased whole bunch of em’. Did I say that I’ve had this bind-it-all for a few weeks now? Well, it’s very good at punching. So, far that’s all I’ve been aloud to do.

    Don’t forget to buy some wires with your new bind-it-all.

    It’s all everyone has been talking about lately. spend away. Your husband won’t mind plus you’ve been working very hard lately it’s time to get some punches in..


  5. I have to start out by saying thank you for an amazing Type + Writer class! It far exceeded my expectations. I haven’t yet finished all of the pieces, but I’m still working on it and I will get all of the assignments done.

    As far I the Bind-It-All, well, my craft space turned into a nursery when my daughter was born 20 months ago and since then I’ve done almost nothing but digital scrapping. Just about all of the paper scrapping I’ve done at home since then has been mini books using the BIA. I’ve made mini books for myself and family and learning books for my daughter and her cousin. I tend to have a hard time limiting my photos, or in other words I like to put too much in, so I end up using the 1 1/4″ rings a lot. I am SOOOOOO happy I bought it, it was definitely worth it (ok, it helped that I had a 40% off coupon).


  6. I love my Bind-it-All. DUH, what else would you expect since I bought it. So far, I have used it mainly to make calendars as Christmas presents and I used 3/4 inch rings. I have had a slow scrapbookyear, as I had one knee replaced in May, went to Alaska in August, and will have the second knee done in October, so I am WAY behind on all my scrapbook stuff. (Time made for Type + Writer and will for Digi in Deeper, though!) so I cannot be as helpful as I might. BUt I do love it and have sworn off buying chipboard albums; I just make my own.


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