365 in 2011

Project 365 isn’t new: it’s been going on strong for at least five years. Capturing the hearts of photography enthusiasts, hobbyists, and those who simply seek to document their daily lives, this project of taking a photo every day for an entire year is the perfect way to record the moments that make up your life (with the happy side-effect of improving your photographic skills while indulging in your passion for clicking your shutter!).

Two years ago, I half-heartedly attempted to do this project ( and by saying half-heartedly, I mean not that I didn’t want to do it but that I knew I had so much on my plate both design-wise and real-life-wise that I knew I wouldn’t be able to prioritize it). So not much came out of that attempt. I took photos, a lot of them, as always, but not on a daily basis. And the whole point of Project 365 is that you end the year with a daily photographic documentation of your life.

The thing about Project 365 (or any project, for that matter) is that you need to fully commit to it. 😉

Then last year, on a whim, I decided to join my brother as he began his Project 365 in the middle of the year (hey, if one is brave enough to start a project with half of the days in the years gone, how can that not be inspiring?). Recalling how unsuccessful I was the year before, I decided to wade into the project without feeling the paralyzing pressure of committing to a whole year’s worth (can you tell there’s still a bit of the rebellious little teenager left in me? 😆 ), I came up with my own version of the project. Thankfully, my By-The-Month project turned out to be successful: I actually succeeded in taking a photo every day for a month! Yay!

That gave me the impetus to pull up my sleeves and dip my arms into a full-blown commitment to see Project 365 in 2011 from beginning to end. I hope I’m not tempting any jinxes, but so far, so good! 🙂

It’s the 37th day of the year now, and I’ve got all of my daily photos posted on my FB account, but I figured I’d share them with you right here too in case you’re not on FB (and if you are, why aren’t we FB-friends yet? :lol:). But precisely because we’re friends with or without Facebook connections, I wouldn’t dream of making you suffer, scrolling through all the past photos in one go, so here are the first 10 of the year (and I’ll eventually get them all up here in batches of 10 till I’m all caught up :D).

#001 – Happy New Year!

Considering that they stayed in our country for 300 years and their blood runs in our veins, it is no wonder that we have adopted the Spanish tradition of eating 12 grapes on New Year’s Eve (one for each month of the year).

The jury is out on the grapes, but the champagne was to-die-for. heehee.

#002 – The Motivation

So I spent the first few days of the new year doing my version of spring cleaning (spring into cleaning!)… and here’s the reason why: dual monitors from the hubs. They just make my multi-tasking geeky heart beat faster. 😀 Don’t I just have the best guy in the world?

#003 – Her name is Saika…

… and she came home with me after I had lunch with my dear friends (who happen to be my wedding godchildren too, but–ahem–note that it doesn’t follow that I’m much older than them. hehe)

#004 – Ugly Dolls are rocking our home

Seriously. That’s their name: Ugly Dolls. And we’re housing three of them, one for each of the younger kids. They may be called Ugly but they are uber-loved. LOL.

#005 – Go ahead, you may take your leave.

Go on, out my home, you lethally fattening things. Leave my thighs alone.

LOL. No, really, these were absolutely delish.

#006 – Eat, drink, and be merry.

If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded goal, it would be a merrier world. ~ J.R.R. Tolkien

Tonight was indeed merry, with great food and great company.

#007 – Who lives in a pineapple under the…

…feet? Sponge! Bob! Square! Pants!

Okay, yeah, some days I really regress because of the company I keep (read: my 3 younger kids). LOL.

We walk barefoot in our home, but today my littlest one came padding into my room in these soft slippers… a gift from Christmas, but since he tore open all the wrappers in a jiffy, I didn’t get to catch who gave them to him. So thank you, anyway, dear Spongebob gifter! He loves them. 🙂

#008 – Bliss

It is a happy talent to know how to play. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

#009 – Terrible Take, Terrific Taste

I didn’t take my camera with me to lunch, so I had to be content with shooting with my Blackberry.

Not a great photo, but this Special Xiao Long Bao wwas wroth the trip to this hole-in-the-wall authentic Chinese restaurant (where those who opt to use spoons and forks take them from a glass of hot water on the table, that kind of thing).

Xiao Long Bao is like dimsum, except it’s eaten from a soup spoon that you fill beforehand with a special vinegar sauce and strips of ginger. You poke the dough of the little ball just a tiny bit to let the “soup” seep out of the bun, then you slurp the entire thing in one go.

Quite a delectable experience. 😀

#010 – Mike & Mox

You fathers will understand. You have a little girl. You’re her oracle. You’re her hero. And then the day comes when she gets her first permanent wave and goes to her first real party, and from that day on, you’re in a constant state of panic. ~ Stanley Banks in Father of the Bride

Join me?

Are you doing Project 365 too? Or the less daunting Project 52 (taking photos each week)? If you haven’t yet, consider this an invitation to join (and link me up in your comments so I can come view your wonderful shots too!)

If this is the first time you’re hearing about it and you’d like to know more about Project 365, you can read more on PhotoJojo (the post includes the wonderful WHY you should do it and tips on how to do it). 🙂

Voila! Till the next photo deluge! 😆 Have a wonderful weekend (or what’s left of it), folks!