Round is Good!

I thought you may be getting a wee bit bored collecting just papers, so here’s something to pin down those wonderful photos of yours onto your layouts: ta-dah! Brads! I made them in 3 sizes and in different designs so you actually get 12 different brads to coordinate with the papers. Happy playing! Hope you like them!


The password for this download zip is digilove3 (I know, I know, how uninventive can I get? Just don’t want to make things confusing with different passwords 😀 ). Download the brad set HERE. (Comments will be highly appreciated!! 😀 ) ETA: Sorry, link is no longer available.

PS. I know that the brads look like they’re floating on the paper in the preview… I didn’t include the shadows to let you know that they’re shadow-free… you can just apply the shadows once you use them, so that you have more freedom in your layouts. 😉

5 thoughts on “Round is Good!

  1. Thanks Liv. It is so exciting to get new things. I keep checking several times a day just hoping to see more gorgeous creations by you. I totally agree with Janie … your creativity is surpassed only by your generosity! I just think you are super cool! Love ya loads!


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