Have you ever…

woken up–say, in the dead of night, or even maybe a couple of hours before the sun himself rises–to this scene?

Come on, this MUST have been your bedside scene at ONE point in your life? :P

Well. In case you have woken up to this scene, rejoice, my friend. (And if you haven’t yet and are on your way to this a few months from now, brace yourself).

Because this is how it is at my bedside pretty often, say about…hmmm… every night?

😆     😆

But I wouldn’t trade this for anything in the world.

That’s right. But you know what? I would never trade this scene for any other in the entire world, not even if you promised me soft rays of sunshine gently creeping into the room to rest on a bed covered by a warm comforter and your most loved one beside you breathing softly.

Because, you know what? Nothing is softer than 5 hugs from 5 wonderful sons. Plus a happy husband.


5 thoughts on “Have you ever…

  1. This kit is wonderful. Just reading your stories make me smile. My girls are both older (18 & 21) so I don’t have to do the school things anymore. Happy & sad. Hope you actually find some time to sleep as I know your sleep time ranges in the 2-3 hrs worth every night. Thanks again for this kit.


  2. Oh Liv this brings back memories….we had 4 kids and they would all venture down to our room….we stopped letting them in the bed so they would just lay down on the floor…you had to be careful where you stepped when you got up cuz there they would all be on the floor in different blankets sound asleep 🙂


  3. Wow! Five boys! I can sort of relate….if I’m aloud to include all my critters. I have two boys ages 7 & 14, my other half who most of the time acts like a little boy himself, 2 male cats, 1 male dog and 1 female dog and myself. It seems that only the male species need “ALL” of my attention. My girl Bella (dog) only requires a pat on the belly every so often….but all the rest need to either rest their head on my arm or my leg as I type….someone always needs something….just as I sit down….moms work is never done, lol. Have a great evening.


  4. Yeah Liv! It really doesn’t get any better than this!! I use to have a “pile on” on Saturday mornings from eight little towheads. At which point my hubby would do “tickle surgery!” WOW! Those were the days. Ahhhh … thanks for the sweet memory.


  5. Ohhhh Liv, so beautiful. I have to admit I love a fresh snowfall before anyone gets out there and starts to mess it up. Sometimes I love it to when you can’t get out, provided you have no important plans, and you can just bake cookies and look at the snow. In fact, we are suppose to get some of that little white stuff tomorrow. We’ll see. I am in South Jersey so it tends to be a smidge warmer down here so sometimes we get rain. Anyway love you to pieces and thanks.


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